The Dark Cave

I wouldn’t consider my job the greatest in the world, but it’s decent. I have lots of free time and I’m able to pretty much govern myself.

I’m a operations coordinator. I oversee peoples’ parties, make sure things go smoothly and clean up. Pretty much, I’m a glorified janitor.

Hmm, doesn’t sound as glamorous as ‘operations coordinator.’

People book party rooms for all sorts of happy events: Birthdays, weddings, baby showers and retirements (are retirements happy?). These are all pinnacle moments in peoples’ lives.

Ideally, the hosts should be ecstatic to be celebrating with their family and friends.

Instead, I see the opposite. I see grumpy, anxious hosts enter, spewing a flurry of curse words like some sort of pirate.

But wait; isn’t this supposed to be a happy occasion?

It seems to me, the hosts forgot what they’re celebrating. They choose to be miserable because something wasn’t set up properly.

These little problems ruin their entire occasion. They are forever flustered about everything.

They’re trapped in this dark cave from which everyone eventually emerges.

I’m reminded of the last time I let little things bother me. It sucked. I was flustered and anxious. It was pitch black in my cave. I didn’t know how to deal with everything.

Little problems are just that…

Little. When you make small things into big things, you forget about the important things. You forget to enjoy the present moment. You stop looking for laughter and enjoyment and focus on that insignificant issue of a table being set up wrong.

They Ruin You

Like an apple left out to oxidize, you slowly start to turn. You steer your attention towards more insignificant problems. This process is gradual. All these little problems compile.

They add up, brown. Before you know it, like the gradual process of the apple, you’re spoiled, core out.

Choose Freedom

When in doubt, shrug it off. Don’t let these little problems affect you. When you let it get to you, your life gets affected.

You won’t be able to think and act properly. You start giving in to your vices. You may chomp on your nails. You may smoke or drink. You may want to punch a wall or hurt yourself, or worse, someone else.

These things will weigh on you, like you’re carrying a hundred-pound sandbag. If you let it affect you, you’ll be forever weighted and hindered.

To Learn or Not to Learn 

I like to think of these problems as miniature hurdles, each trying to teach you a little something as you jump them. These problems are a test for you to overcome, to help you progress, to make you stronger.

If you don’t learn from your problems, you’re bound to repeat it. There will only be darkness.

Here lies the pinnacle choice. Do you squander your time complaining and getting angry or do you utilize this moment and seek a way to make your life better.

Every single situation has a good and a bad. What do you choose to focus on? Who will you be after you come through that dark cave?

Be bold, be free, and love on.


31 thoughts on “The Dark Cave

  1. So true. I think brides planning their own wedding event are good examples of getting lost in the details instead of keeping the reason to celebrate in the forefront. Like you said…Focus on the good. Absolutely!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very true, very true.
    I worked in a wedding band for a number of years and it always amazed me how unhappy the people involved with the organizing were.
    They were usually the parents of the bride and groom.
    Supposedly a happy occasion for them, yet most of the time it was far from that.
    Strong philosophy in your post,
    thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right. You’ve summarized it quite well. These little problems affect so many people and should be one of the happiest in their lives.
      Thank you for your kind words!


  3. I am public relations to and though banquet isn’t my department I do assist people in choosing the right hall for their event sometime. People can be so pesky and rude at times!

    Maybe they should look at the bigger picture and not be so much of a pain.


  4. Good thoughts. Sometimes I let myself get so weighed down with the responsibilities that come my way, I forget to be thankful for the reasons for that responsibility.


  5. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    They say don’t sweat the little things, look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves etc. I believe that we tend to sweat the small stuff because we can usually do something about them. The bigger problems scare the what not out of us. I was thinking about that the other day when little niggles about one of my relationships began to coagulate like a clot…I should have dealt with quietly at the beginning – I know better… it is never about the small stuff – it is about the big stuff we are not prepared to deal with….very interesting post from 2helpfulguys.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I literally helped my boss set up for a wedding reception yesterday at the bed and breakfast where I work. And this is a spot-on description of what people act like when something small isn’t set up right. It’s funny really. As if anyone is going to notice that one piece of ribbon that is half an inch lower than the rest when they’re all outside watching the bride and groom enjoy their first dance.


    1. Yes! You hit the nail on it’s head. In essence, the piece of ribbon is insignificant. It’s the most important to avoid worrying about these little problems during the pinnacle moments in your life. In the end, when you look at the big picture, everything will work out great, regardless of the off-centered ribbon!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey Leroy if you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been blogging? I mean as you probably noticed I just as a way to relieve stress. It works phenomenally too. I guess what I really wanna know is how do you know what you want to write about? And how do you remain true to yourself and your blog?


      2. I do not mind at all! I’ve been blogging since March 2014, so I am relatively new to the blogosphere! That being said, I’ve been jotting and scribbling for much longer. I’ve dabbled in poetry and creative writing in the past.

        I usually write about what is happening in the my life currently. Most of topics arise from weekly problems, issues, and things I have to overcome. If nothing eventful happened, I usually delve into a personal story, where I have dealt with something difficult and try to figure out how I came up with a solution. Usually, I have learned something more my past experiences that I can help others with. Through that, I hope to help people before they find themselves in the same terrible situation, that I was once in.

        In terms of staying true to myself, I usually just write about what is on my mind. For me, blogging and helping people are one in the same. I want my thoughts out, which is like you said, incredibly therapeutic, but also to help people. When I was younger, I censored myself a great deal. I never really opened up to anyone or said anything that might make people think of me differently. So in essence, when I write about my days and previous thoughts, I am being as true to myself as I can!

        Lastly, I don’t know if you saw the “You Can Be In Our Next Book” Page, but it is an opportunity for the community to ask us questions, that we can provide thoughtful individual answers to. They will be going in our future book with the permission of the questioner. Would I be able to use this question in that book? If so, would you like it private or public. Take a look at the page and let me know what you think! 🙂


      3. Thank you so much for your reply. And yeah no problem. I would love to featured in your book, and you can make it public I don’t mind.


      4. Awesome! I have added you in my notes for the book! Do you want just your wp URL in or your name is well? 🙂


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