3 Terrible Ways Self-Sabotage Ruins Our Success

When Steven and I first started 2HelpfulGuys, we didn’t have a vision. We didn’t even have an idea.

We knew we wanted to help people in some way. We wanted to impact peoples’ lives through our articles and cheesy videos.

We couldn’t start anything until we had a great name behind us. We sat there for hours trying to come up with one.

Steven and I stared at my laptop screen, then back at each other, then back at the laptop screen. We were shouting out random synonyms for the words like ‘happy’ and ‘life’ and ‘positive.’

Nothing really stuck, except us. We were stuck.

Be honest now, how often do you sabotage yourself?

For most people, it’s almost daily. We have dreams at night that make us ponder incredible possibilities for the future. But as the morning sun rises we let our dreams die in the daylight.

We wake up and carry on with our monotonous lives because of self-sabotage. We’re afraid of what might be. We’re afraid of our seemingly impossible challenges.

We stay in our secure little 9-5 bubbles, despite the endless unhappiness.

Self-sabotage ruins our dreams, and in turn, us.

When Steven and I ask people why they don’t pursue their dreams, we receive the same three excuses. It is the same excuses that we once had when we started 2HelpfulGuys.

1) I don’t know how?

No one begins an endeavour knowing exactly how to do it. Everything is one giant trial and error process.

We filmed out first YouTube video on my terrible laptop camera. It barely worked and when it did, I couldn’t find the file. Worse, when we tried to upload it, the video didn’t work.

‘This file is the wrong format.’ Those words still haunt my dreams.

Through all the struggles, we figured it out. How? There’s one word that opens up our entire world.


If you can’t find it on Google, find a free book on Amazon. If it’s not on Amazon, find a volunteer on Meetup.com. Information is more accessible now than any other point in history, and most of it is completely free.

Use it to your advantage and learn all the applicable skills you need to further your dream.

The Internet is a beautiful place filled with useful information, if we can just tear ourselves away from Facebook, memes and cat pictures.

2) There just isn’t enough time in the day

I’m sure we can all agree that we share the same amount of time in any given day. No one has developed a magical potion or time machine that changes it.

This comes down to priorities. This comes to down to personal motivation and sheer diligence. If you have a goal, dedicate time each day to complete it.

Schedule time every single day and don’t end the day without furthering yourself in some small, even insignificant, way.

If you can move closer to your goal by just 1% each week through reading, writing or learning, you’ll be more than halfway by the end of the year.

That’s doable, right? One measly percent?

3) I need ______ to be successful

Fill in the blank.

Everyone believes they lack something important before they can reach their dream. Whether it is money, knowledge or any other blank in our personal book of excuses, we are more than comfortable abusing it.

In truth, there isn’t anything lacking. All you need is you. You are more than enough. Everything great started with one person. It took one person to come up with an idea and build something great.

Only then, did people notice and start to help.

Following your dreams requires only your complete and undivided attention and effort. Without you, nothing is possible.

So today and every day, take the plunge. Cast away your excuses and start to take action.

Let us use all the free resources possible, manage our time better, and believe in our abilities.

And, as far as being stuck on the name, it didn’t matter.

We were just 2 guys trying to be helpful.

Until next time, my beautiful readers,

Be bold, be free, and love on.


21 thoughts on “3 Terrible Ways Self-Sabotage Ruins Our Success

  1. Absolutely spot on guys. You have it just right. Take the plunge because otherwise you will simply sit and achieve nothing. At the beginning of the year I was just kicking my heels waiting for an operation but a few days in and something happened that changed my life. I now write everyday for a blog, I am back writing commercially and am enjoying my life so much more.
    Jump in, you need nothing but yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s always easier to make excuses than to take the task in hand. If you really want something, think of ways to get it instead of making excuses . Your time will be better spent! Thanks for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly right! I love your addition to this post! I have to agree with the excuses bit. Excuses just gives us another reason not to pursue our goals and aspirations.

      Thank you for the comment!


  3. I agree 100%! I have been chasing my dream of writing for a long time but I’ve just finally started to get somewhere in the last year or so. I had to come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t going to happen fast. I have to be the tenacious turtle to reach to success I want.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nothing great was ever achieved fast. Life is one giant trial and error process. We just have to figure out what works best and run with it! Most often though, figuring it all out takes a long time!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so glad you posted this. I am accused of being overly positive and too “yay, go team!” in my office, it’s tiring. I love reading your posts as I think just like you, and it’s reassuring to find like-minded people online 🙂


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