How To: Cure the Block

I have writer’s block today. I almost never have writer’s block. My ideas and thoughts usually flow naturally. For the most part, writing an article just comes second nature.

But, today is different for some reason. I’m going to diagnose my problem, treat it (by finishing this article) and, hopefully, sleep well tonight, knowing that I wrote something half decent.


Here goes:

A) Increase Blood Flow

When I wrote that first part of the post, it was early in the morning. Now, as I am writing this, I feel more at ease. Why?

I just finished an intense workout routine. I feel all the blood flowing through my body. Exercise is effective at getting your blood moving through your brain and getting those creative juices flowing.

Even something moderate. For me it was intense, but something as simple as a walk outside will clear your head for those creative juices.

B) Surround Yourself with Different Surroundings

Leave your mundane writing environment and start somewhere new. In most cases, I write my articles in my room, most of the time in my underwear (that’s an unwanted image).

Sometimes, I feel like I have no inspiration to write. Similar to the previous point, walking outside helps with that. Surrounding yourself with fresh air and new environments will produce new ideas.

C) Use Stimulants

I’m not a fan of drugs, as most of you know. By stimulants, I mean something that perks you up. For me, I use tea.

Daily teas are part of my routine because it gives me a little peak of energy. Similarly, you can use coffee as a substitute.

I can’t do coffee anymore. I had a serious addiction and decided to quit cold turkey. Now, the smell of coffee makes me gag. In my opinion, tea is just as effective without the after-jitters.

D) Read

I think reading can solve most of your problems. For example, after reading this article, you will overcome your writer’s block. If I’m stuck, I will read one chapter from three different books.

I read one chapter from a self-help book, one from the fiction category and one from any science category (most of the time, it’s psychology).

Reading three different chapters from three topics allows my brain to have idea sex. I mix all three different thoughts together. You can always combine ideas from different topics.

This fresh perspective will give you something to write about.

E) Make an Outline

If you have different topics already in mind, write a rough sketch of it. Figure out your main topics and make points. Make these points as simple as possible.

Your goal here is to write as many points as possible. Don’t worry about good and bad points or expanding on anything. Write enough to jog your memory later. Once you’ve compiled a list, go back and revise.

Cut out all the fat.

F) Just Start

Stop thinking about the writer’s block and just start with something. It can be nonsensical garbage, but just start writing.

“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop” – Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)

Sometimes all your brain needs is to put down some words. The more you get down, the easier it will be to continue.

G) Write Daily

Writer’s block doesn’t affect me as much as it first used to. I think the main reason is because I write everyday, even at a minimal capacity.

In the barest of bones, writing is a skill. Like any skill, the only way to improve is through dedicated practice (more on skills here). Dedicated practice hones my ability to write.

I looked at my first post (check it out here) and it pales in comparison to my recent works. I am improving, albeit slightly. These slight improvements continue to stack until writer’s block is basically nonexistent.

There you have it. I have completed my article. I feel like I can sleep well tonight. I think I’ve written a winner here.

Remember, don’t force anything. If you have insomnia, you can’t force yourself to sleep. If you are truly stuck, I implore you to try out the previous techniques. They have helped me in the past and even through this current block.

How do you overcome the dreaded block? Did any of these tips help you? Please comment below. My readers and I value your input. Thank you in advance.

Be bold, be free, and love on.

15 thoughts on “How To: Cure the Block

  1. F) Just Start – this really works. Every time when I started to think about “writing” itself, things failed. So now I just dive in and write.


    1. Yeah, I find that method the most effective, in my opinion. If you keep thinking about what you want to write, you’ll never actually write anything. For me, I usually just get lost in my thoughts, get sidetracked and end up wasting too much time.

      Thanks for your comment D.A. It’s always appreciated!


  2. Through University, i experienced writers block a lot. What i learned was that brainstorming was a great way to overcome that obstacle, reading is another great one! A very informative post, i really liked it.


    1. I always experience writer’s block at school. It’s partly because I have an utter disdain for school. But yeah, brainstorming the ideas always works out for overcoming those obstacles!

      Thank you very much for the comment! 😀


  3. Thank you for this. Writing papers for class that im not interested in rather it being something i am interested is a struggle and i always get writer’s block. These tips will hopefully motivate me to find that want to write class papers. Thank you.


    1. No problem. I am glad you enjoyed it. Maybe baby steps towards writing to make it easier. Breaking it down to smaller tasks and brainstorming them always works for me.

      Good luck on all those icky school papers. I have no shortage of them either!


  4. This is fantastic!!! I absolutely love these tips! I’m trying to write a book and I’m having issues with the outline portion. Do you write all the chapters and everything? Or is it just basic ideas?


    1. For the outline, I generally focus on chapters, chapter titles, and general ideas around it. Once I’ve done that, based on how I’m feeling I’ll being writing a chapter. Mid-way I might switch to a different chapter. Really, in the end, as long as I’m working on something towards it, that’s all that matter.

      I wish you all the luck with the novel. You can do it. I know you can. You just have to dedicate some time to it, everyday. Once you have a rough idea of your outline and chapters, get to writing on wherever you want to. It doesn’t need to be in sequential order!

      Thank you so so much for the comment, love and support!


  5. The exciting thing about writer’s block is it usually means something pretty darn good is in the works but just now quite ready yet. Once I discovered that, I felt a little more at ease about the block which probably helps lift it. Oh the writing waltz… I also agree that being physical really helps…getting into a different kind of zone that helps clear the writing mind. Great post. Thanks!


    1. You are completely right! Writer’s block could mean that you are writing something awesome. I love your positive way of looking at writer’s block. For me, I have so many ideas now, but don’t know which ones to choose. I think, THIS is what you’re referring too. My topic is interesting and my ideas are plenty, which makes it very hard to pick between them.

      I found that being physically active helps the brain function better. I think it’s also just a main factor in EVERYONE’S life. I think it’s integral in everybody’s lives.

      Thank you for your comment, love and support!
      Leroy M.


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